Endometriosis – a condition in which fragments of the lining of the womb (the endometrium) embed in other parts of the body where they should not be. A common place is the ovaries, but fragments can embed in the intestinal wall, bladder, rectum and other locations.

Endometriosis can cause pain throughout the monthly cycle, however in menstruation (having a period), the endometrium swells (up to 10 times its normal size within a few days) and bleeds. At this time any fragments of endometrium embedded in parts of the body where they should not be also swell and bleed, causing pain which can range from mild to excruciating.

Endometriosis can prevent conception and the following are common symptoms,

* Pain in the abdomen e.g. the ovaries, intestine, bladder, rectum, or some or all these locations and others, depending where the fragments have embedded.
* Pain during sexual intercourse
* Very heavy and lengthy monthly periods sometimes with blood clots
* Irregular bleeding
* Lower back ache and pain during urination and bowel movement, especially when having a period
* Contractions at menstruation (having a period)
* An enlarged abdomen
* Fatigue

MRI can show the location of the fragments and with the addition of a High Intensity Focused Ultrasound system can treat it, provided that the fragments proximity to other organs or structures, e.g. major nerves, does not prevent this.

(Note: Adenomyosis is a similar condition to Endometriosis, however in Adenomyosis the Endometrium embeds (grows into) the inner layer womb/uterine muscle. See Adenomyosis for more information.)