Uterine Fibroids – Are non-cancerous (benign) growths in the womb or the womb wall. They are also referred to as myomas, leiomyomas, fibromyomas, fibromas, myofibromas and leiomyomata.

Uterine Fibroids can prevent conception and can cause pain which can range from mild to excruciating. The following are common symptoms

* Enlargement of the uterus
* Pain in the abdomen
* Pain during sexual intercourse
* Very heavy and lengthy monthly periods sometimes with blood clots
* Irregular Bleeding
* Pressure on the bowel which can lead to other conditions e.g. bloating, constipation
* Pressure on the bladder which can lead to other conditions e.g. incontinence, inability to empty the bladder, constant need to urinate.
* An enlarged abdomen
* Fatigue

MRI can show if Uterine Fibroids are present and with the addition of a High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, currently offers the only alternative treatment to surgery in cases where this is required.

(Please Note: Some types of Uterine Fibroids cannot be treated with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, e.g. when they have grown outside of the uterus (Pendunculated) and their proximity to other organs or structures, e.g. major nerves, prevents this).

As regards the symptoms of Uterine Fibroids these are similar to those of Adenomyosis and in both cases MRI can show if Uterine Fibroids or Adenomyosis are present as the cause of any of the above problems.

Unfortunately and at present MRI is not routinely offered for diagnosis which results in many women having hysterectomies as the only solution to alleviate their pain.

Fibroids are classified according to their location. Below are the 4 primary types of fibroids.

* Subserosal - Fibroids developing in the outer portion of the uterus which continue to grow outwards.
* Intramural - Fibroids developing within the uterine wall. (These are the most common)
* Submucosal - Fibroids developing just under the lining of the uterine cavity.
* Pedunculated - Fibroids developing on a small stalk that connects them to the inner or outer wall of the uterus.

(Front View of Womb Showing Examples of locations of Uterine Fibroids)